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With little clarity on coronavirus, Americans crowdsource how to live in a pandemic

July 20, 2020


Four months after school board’s initial request, supervisors finally vote to share COVID-19 aid with schools

July 21, 2020


With little clarity on coronavirus, Americans crowdsource how to live in a pandemic

July 20, 2020


Opinion: Virtual learning has its risks; funding critical for schools to reopen

July 17, 2020

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Governor Northam reappoints five members of the UVA Board of Visitors

June 20, 2020


School board announces 1-week timeline for renaming ‘Stonewall’ schools

June 19, 2020


Mothers Out Front PWC, Climate Groups Applaud Bold Climate Resolution by Prince William County School Board

June 11, 2020

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Prince William boards mull spending $10 million to buy 27,000 computers for high school students for online instruction

March 29, 2020


Cutting class sizes key as Lateef looks ahead for Prince William school board

November 15, 2019


Lateef wins Prince William school board chair race


November 5, 2019

Lateef wins re-election.

PWCS School Board Candidates Discuss Funding Class Size Reductions, Salaries


October 3, 2018

Lateef emphasized that he is a parent with children in school going through the same thing as all PWCS parents “when you’re stressed about the SOLs, I’m stressed about the SOLs,” “when you’re anxious about breaking news alerts about school shootings, I’m anxious,” which is the reason he believes he’d make the best parent advocate.

Funding, or lack thereof, a key topic in first school board chair debate


October 2, 2018

“We have had a school board that has been soft and irresponsible in their ability to advocate on behalf of the children of our county,” Lateef said. “We have the lowest paid teachers in the region. We are the lowest per-pupil spending county in the region. We have a race to the bottom here. This is unacceptable.” 

Lateef leads fundraising for school board chair

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September 28, 2018

Prince William County School Board Interim Chair Babur Lateef is out-raising and outspending his two opponents in the race for school board chair.


The county is holding an election for school board chair on Nov. 6 after former chair Ryan Sawyers resigned in March. The winner of the election will complete Sawyers’ term that ends in late 2019.

Prince William school board focuses on process for workplace complaints, staff surveys

Prince William school board focuses on process fo workplce complaints, Babur Lateef for Chair

May 17, 2018

Lateef said that his motion will address issues of culture and accountability in a more immediate and long-term way that would also prevent future disputes.


“I believe what we’re offering tonight states that we have heard you,” Lateef said, adding that these issues in the community have been going on for a long time. “We need something that will go a long way with addressing concerns among our staff and teachers.”

Prince William school board backs armed guards for schools

Prince William school board backs armed guards for schools, Babur Lateef for Chair

May 9, 2018

Interim School Board Chairman Dr. Babur Lateef (At Large) hadn’t been appointed to the board when county supervisors first agreed to spend money on the project, but he said he supports it. 


“We’re very pleased that they’re funding this pilot program,” he said. 

New Prince William County School Board chairman discusses pilot program to hire retired officers

New Prince William County School Board chairman discusses pilot program to hire retired officers, Babur Lateef for Chair

May 4, 2018

He has only been on the job for a week, but the Prince William County School Board chairman has plenty to say about the school district's plan to help keep students safe.


Last week, the school board approved $500,000 in funding for a pilot program to add retired law enforcement officers to the roster as armed security guards at campuses across the county. Prince William County Public Schools would be the first school district in Virginia to do this.

Prince William County School Board Appoints Dr. Babur Lateef Interim Board Chair

Prince William County School Board Appoints Dr. Babur Lateef Interim Board Chair

April 18, 2018

It is with deep humility and honor that I thank the Prince William County School Board for the appointment as the Interim School Board Chair. It is a true honor to be selected from the group of 20 highly qualified applicants, who all demonstrated a passion for education and a deep commitment to our community.

Lateef appointed interim school board chairman in Prince William County

Babur Lateef appointed interim school board chairman in Prince William County

April 18, 2018

The Prince William County School Board selected Babur Lateef to take the post as the board’s interim chairman at a meeting April 18.


In a split vote on a motion by Diane Raulston of the Neabsco District, Lateef will serve until a special election in November. He was among 20 applicants for the interim position.

Video: Candidates Make Their Pitches for Interim Chairman of PW County School Board

Video: Candidates Make Their Pitches for Interim Chairman of Prince William County School Board

April 5, 2018

See below the video for highlights from Babur Lateef’s CV relevant to why he’d make an excellent PW County School Board chair.

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